what to do in krakow other than walking in june 2024

While the main tourist attractions of Europe are fried by the scorching sun, Krakow turns into a perfect destination for a summer visit. The temperature in June is usually between 19C and 27C, so you can enjoy a long walk, a picnic, or splashes in the lake. The cultural calendar of June is so abundant that anyone leaving their apartment for an hour could probably step into a concert, exhibition, parade, or premier.

June 01-09

kids day Krakow June 1st

June 1st, 2024 – Children’s Day. This means that parks and some museums will be packed with families, and some places will offer small discounts on ice cream. If you are not afraid of crowds and want to have a meaningful time with kids, go to Muzeum Zabawek or Ogrod Doswiadczen Stanislawa Lema. Some events and expositions will take place on the 1st and 2nd of July.

June 2nd, 2024Last Day of Krakow Kinofestiwal. If you missed all the fuzz but still interested in the modern uncommon cinema, that’s your day. Kino ASP (plac Jana Matejki, 13) will be demonstrating the awarded movies starting from 12:00 to 20:00. BTW, it’s not about Polish cinema only. The festival gathered directors from Norway, Sweden, Paraguay, Cuba, Italy, Ukraine, and other countries.

June 6th, 2024Lajkonik Parade. I know, that’s probably your working day but press pause/find excuse and head to the Rynek Glowny to catch up the vibrant walk of Lajkonik. This is a very Krakowian character, a hero who once saved the city from the Mongol invasion. Start: 13:00 at Senatorska, 1. Finish: Rynek Glowny, where the famous dance of Lajkonik will happen.

That’s how it looked in 1939 (c) Wikipedia

June 7th, 2024Premier in the Krakow opera – Igraszki miÅ‚osne Carmen. As you may guess from the name, this is the fresh view of Bizet’s well-known opus. If you like contemporary ballets or just want a reason for your first visit to Krakow Opera, go for it. Start: 18:30. Tickets: 90-150 zlotych.

June 7th, 2024 – Calligraphy Workshop. If you are quite fluent in Polish and adore creating beautiful lettering, you may like the workshop held at Muzeum i Centrum Ruchu Harcerskiego. Only for adults. Start: 17:30, you have to book your place in advance. Tickets: 20 zlotych.

Dragon Parade Krakow 2024, June 08-09
image – groteska.pl

June 8th, 2024Dragon’s Parade Night. The most packed parade of the year held on the banks of Wisla. Bright and loud, it fascinates with fantasy creatures flying over the river. Be prepared to take your place hours before the actual start, which is at 22:00. If you have options, we advice settling on a bridge, not on the bank. Don’t take your dogs out around Wawel at night as there will be fireworks. Family events will occur close to the Dragon (Smok) statue from 10:00 to 20:00.

June 8th, 2024Dance Night. If you like to watch people dance, this is for you. Multiple stages will welcome professional dancers of historical and modern dance. If you expect to shake yourself, go elsewhere.

June 9th, 2024Dragon’s Parade Day. Not as spectacular as the event before, day parade is still catchy. Dragon figures will walk by Grodzka street to the very center of the city, so it’ll be even more packed than usual. Start: 12:00

June 10-16

June 14th and June 16th, 2024Marica; classical play in the Botanical Garden. The perfect timing to catch some roses in bloom and listen to the Kalman’s music. Start: 19:30. Tickets: 130-150 zlotych (almost all sold out by 05/31)

June 15th, 2024 Night of the Theaters. Outdoor performances will be presented by modern theaters. The main stages will be on Plac Wolnica (14:30: 17:00; 21:30) and Rynek Podgorski (21:00). Free entrance.

June 17-23

June 20th, 2024Let’s Talk About Motivation picnic. People of different professions gather and share their stories about motivation and try to catch it. It is good that it is held on Thursday, the least motivating day according to corporate polls.

June 20th, 2024Walk on Nowa Huta. For those who speak Polish at a decent level and have free time in the morning, Muzeum Nowa Huta announces a walk around the neighborhoods with an experienced guide who will tell the story of the town and its transformation in times of the USSR. Start: 10:30. Tickets: 20 zlotych.

June 22nd, 2024 The Wianki Festival starts. During the whole weekend the Old Town and Kazimierz districts will have concerts on several stages. The music is some mix of pop and folk, not your usual Dua Lipa things.

June 23rd, 2024Marble People Walk on Nowa Huta. If you love architecture (especially very simplistic) and speak Polish at a decent level, you may find this 1.5-hour walk quite fascinating. Guided by an expert from Muzeum Nowa Huta, it’ll show you the surroundings and show its oldest buildings. Start: 11:00. Tickets: 20 zlotych.

June 24-30

June 27t, 2024 Krakow Photomonth starts. There will be several expositions on Rynek Glowny, 20, of which Afrotopie, the project dedicated to African continent, looks quite promising.

June 29th, 2024The Summer Jazz Festival starts. During the next 2 months, different venues of Krakow will host concerts and jam sessions of jazz players. It’s worth booking your place in advance.

Do you know an event worth adding? Comment about it.

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